Discover Music for Kids is a program designed to introduce children to private music lessons. Geared towards children ages 4 to 10, the lessons focus on basic music concepts in a fun and enriching, private lesson setting. As the program progresses, the students have a chance to get hands-on experience with the most common instruments. This includes piano, guitar or ukulele, singing, and drums. In place of daily practice, students and families learn music activities to do at home. The program normally begins with one or two consultation sessions and a recommendation for how the program can be tailored to each student.
Discover Music for Kids
An Easy Way to Start Private Lessons
For years we talked to families who wanted to introduce their children to music, but weren’t sure if it was the right time. Other families weren’t ready to invest in an expensive instrument when they weren’t sure if they could commit long term. Many families have never experienced private music lessons and were looking for an informal way to get started. Discover Music for Kids is our answer to these dilemmas!
Explore the Different Instruments
Many children aren’t familiar with the different instrument families. This can make it difficult for a family to decide which instrument is the right choice to start with. Each student will progress through learning units in which they get hands on experience with the common instruments. This includes piano, singing, guitar/ukulele, drums, winds, and strings.
Set a Solid Foundation
Discover Music for Kids lessons focus on skills that are needed to learn any instrument. This prepares young learners for when they choose an instrument to study. Students will begin to learn to develop a practice routine by playing music games at home with the family. Owning an instrument is not required.
More Information:
If you have questions that aren’t answered here, or would like to inquire about Discover Music for Kids lessons, please write or call (513) 891-7714.

What we offer:
- Informal & fun private lessons
- Learn basic music skills
- For students ages 4 to 10
- A chance to play different instruments