CMA Drum Student is Finding His Way in the Music Community

Learning a musical instrument has many benefits. One of the greatest payoffs is when a student gets the opportunity to perform with other musicians. Not only is this an unforgettable experience, but it adds a social aspect to the learning process and often ramps up the skills of the student.

Jamis has been taking drum lessons with Jason Smart in the CMA Drum Department for less than a year. When Jamis started lessons, Jason was able to quickly recognize his strengths and the areas where he needed to develop his skills. Many new students are surprised to find out that they haven’t arranged their drum set properly and correcting this helps with the physical challenges of playing drums. Jason also worked with Jamis on developing his ear alongside fundamental rudiments and reading sheet music.

Things have moved fast for Jamis and he is already finding opportunities to take his skills out of the practice room. Jamis is now the youngest member of his church worship band and is working with musicians much older than himself. In lessons, Jamis is now working with rehearsal charts and developing skills that will allow him to further his playing career.