Bands & Ensembles PRogram Sign up

Recreational group piano classes are offered quarterly for adults, beginners through experienced.  We do not offer keyboard classes for children.


Winter 2025

January 6 – March 11

Spring 2025

varying start dates between March 10 and April 1

Register: Check back in mid-late February

WINTER 2025 CLASSES, 9 weeks (January 6 – March 6)

  • Piano 101, Wednesdays, 7:45- 8:45pm (beginners only)
  • Piano 102, Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:30pm (6-mos. – 2 years experience)
  • Piano 202, Thursdays, 7:45 – 8:45pm (2-4 years experience)
  • Piano 303, Mondays, 8:00 – 9:00pm (3-5 years experience)
  • Functional Music Making, Mondays, 6:45 – 7:45pm (reading, lead sheets, ensemble playing, some knowledge of chords)

SPRING 2025 CLASSES, 9 weeks (March 10 – May 22)

Tentative offerings – check back in February for updates.
  • Piano 101, Check back to see if we’ll have a beginner’s class this spring
  • Piano 102, Wednesdays, 6:45- 7:45pm (6-mos. – 2 years experience)
  • Piano 104, Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:30pm (1-3 years experience)
  • Piano 204, Thursdays, 7:45 – 8:45pm (2-4 years experience)
  • Piano 305/400, Mondays, 8:00 – 9:00pm (3-5 years experience)
  • Piano 400, Mondays, 6:45 – 7:45pm (reading, lead sheets, ensemble playing, some knowledge of chords)
  • Piano 400 Tuesdays, 7:45 – 8:45pm (5+ years experience)

Social Events for CMA Adult Students

Soirees and potlucks are each held three times a year.
  • Soirees, Fridays, 7:00 – 9:00pm, Cincinnati Music Academy.  November 15, 2024, February 7, 2025, May 16, 2025
  • Potlucks, Saturdays, 10:30 – 1:30, private homes. October 19, 2024 and April 12, 2025

Why take piano lessons?

Learning a new skill keeps your brain active and sharp. Making music engages areas of the brain involved with paying attention, making predictions and memory. Activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument, causes the brain to be more capable of processing information. Find out first hand by signing up for a piano class at Cincinnati Music Academy today!

Why take piano lessons?

Learning a new skill keeps your brain active and sharp. Making music engages areas of the brain involved with paying attention, making predictions and memory. Activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument, causes the brain to be more capable of processing information. Find out first hand by signing up for a piano class at Cincinnati Music Academy today!

Classes offered (not all classes are offered every quarter):

Piano 101: Beginning Class

For students with no music background. If you have never played an instrument, this is your class. Students in this class may have played a band instrument or studied piano briefly, but not recently.

Piano 102: 6 Months to 1 Year of Prior Experienc

For students who have taken Piano 101 and feel ready to move forward, or for students who have a little musical background, either playing a band instrument, or piano lessons. Students in this class should have experience (even if it’s “old” experience) reading the grand staff (treble and bass clefs), recognizing steps and skips on the staff, playing two hands at the same time, know basic note values and rhythm.

Piano 103: 1  – 2 Years of Prior Piano Experience

Students in this class should be comfortable reading the grand staff (treble and bass clefs), recognizing steps and skips on the staff, playing two hands at the same time, know basic note values and rhythm.

Piano 200 Classes: 2 – 4 Years of Prior Piano Experience

Students in this class should be comfortable reading the grand staff (treble and bass clefs), recognizing steps and skips on the staff, playing two hands at the same time, know basic note values and rhythm.

Piano 300: Experienced Players, 3 or More Years of Prior Piano Experience

If any of these statements describe you, this is your class: “I used to play well when I was younger!” “I took piano when I was growing up, but haven’t touched it in years!” “I started lessons as an adult but can’t find enough time to practice.” “I used to play, but now I am too busy!” You’ll be surprised at how quickly you remember what you used to know!

Piano 400: Experienced Players, 4 or More Years of Prior Piano Experience

If any of these statements describe you, this is your class: “I used to play really well when I was younger!” “I took piano when I was growing up, but haven’t touched it in years!” “I started lessons as an adult but can’t find enough time to practice.” “I used to play, but now I am too busy!” Main Text: varies with standard repertoire, pop tunes, and ensemble pieces.

How To Play From A Fake Book

Ever wonder how to create better accompaniments for the melodies in your favorite fake books? This class introduces you to chord building, various rhythmic styles, and much more, so that you play the songs you like just the way you want them. Keyboard players with a basic understanding of notation and sight-reading will be on their way to more fun with fake books.

Chords 101

Learn basic chords, how to alter chords for creative accompaniment, read tunes from sheet music and fake books, improvise, play by ear and create your own playing style. Perfect for singers who want to accompany themselves, and students who want to know how to play popular pieces more easily. Pre-requisite: Students in this class need to know the piano keyboard and be able to find any key quickly. (i.e. find a ‘D’, find an ‘G’) The ability to read music is a plus, but not required.

Functional Music Making

Students in this class need to be comfortable reading music and have a basic knowledge of how to make chords. Classes cover a medley of skills, including reading from a Fake Book, playing by ear, playing ensemble pieces, sight reading, improving ear and rhythmic skills, exploring different accompaniment patterns, and more.

Composition Class for Teachers

Learn how to compose and write music. This class will teach you ‘how’ to compose, and you will create your own individual piece of music. Pre-requisite: This class is for music teachers. No session is scheduled at this time, but contact us if you are interested in this class.  Contact for more information.

“A la carte” Summer Classes

Baselines 101: Learn different left hand patterns to accompany a right hand melody. Perfect for those who play from a Fake Book or by ear. Specialty classes meet once for 90 minutes, and are offered each summer. Check here in the spring for each summer’s offerings.

Chords 101 revised: Learn to build and play chords. Also perfect for those who play from a Fake Book or by ear.

Do I Need a Keyboard at Home?

Students need to have a keyboard or piano at home so they can practice between classes. If you need to shop for a keyboard, we recommend full size (88 keys). Added features may include a USB or SD card slot, headphones, stand, bench, and pedal.

Do I Have to Bring my Own Keyboard to Class?

No. Full sized keyboards are provided for each student. You do not need to bring anything to class except your music, reading glasses (if necessary), and your enthusiasm!

How Many Students Are In Each Class?

Each class is a minimum of five students, and a maximum of 11. It’s great fun learning  with others!

Can I Join a Class in the Middle of the Quarter?

This is often possible, space and ability permitting. We encourage you to sit in on a class to see how it feels. To make arrangements, contact us at

Will I Have to Play in Front of Others?

Only if you want to. Each keyboard has its own volume control. Throughout each class, you will keep your volume wherever you feel comfortable.

Does Each Student Have Their own Keyboard in Class?

Absolutely! That is why class space is limited to a maximum of 11. Each student is seated at a full-size, 88-key keyboard.

Are There Opportunities to Play Outside of Class?

Quarterly Friday night “soirees” are sprinkled throughout the year at which students enjoy socializing over food and drink, and playing for each other if they choose. Adult friends and family are welcome to attend! A very relaxed and social atmosphere!

Saturday potlucks occur three times a year in a private home. These events are always 10:30 – 1:30, and for adult piano students only. No guests please.

What Happens if I Miss a Class?

Material covered in each class is emailed to the entire class each week, so everybody has practice notes to reference. Classes are also recorded via Zoom, and the link is sent with the class notes every week. If there is another class of the same level offered during the session, you may attend this class, space permitting.

What Kind of Music Will We Play?

In the beginning class, we learn how to play – you’ll recognize some of the tunes. In the other classes, you will play a combination of contemporary music, seasonal music, standard piano repertoire, ensemble music, and whatever else the class chooses. This is your class. Students and teacher will decide together what music to study.

Can I Take a Private Lesson Every Now and Then?

If you want individual attention, private lessons may be arranged. Some students take both ongoing private lessons and group classes. If there is a special piece or project you want to work on, short term arrangements for private lessons are possible. The Cincinnati Music Academy has instructors talented in teaching many styles and instruments. Music instruction is our specialty, and we are here to help you reach your musical goals!

Can I Repeat the Same Class?

Absolutely! Repetition is the key to success. Some students will benefit from taking the same level class more than once. Students in the non-beginning classes can stay with the same class and level for years! The music repertoire keeps changing.

What is your refund policy?

No refunds will be issued after classes begin. A 50% refund will be given if you cancel 14 or fewer days prior to the first class.

Recreational Music Making (RMM)

“Recreational Music Making refers to playing musical instruments alone or in a group without the goals of mastery or performance.” National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM)

“RMM offers people of all ages a chance to step back from daily stressors and encourages self-exploration and expression through music.

Most people just want to play the piano for fun and personal satisfaction.  They want to be able to play for their own personal enjoyment and share a pastime with family or friends.

If these are your goals, too, RMM could be the key that opens the door to new opportunities for personal creativity. Many people who have never thought they were musical are now expressing themselves through music.” National Piano Foundation

Music, Stress and DNA

“The maintenance and preservation of our health is often challenging at best. A comprehensive lifestyle formula for maximizing wellness regardless of health challenges includes a healthy dose of exercise, nutrition, and stress reduction activities. Research, published in the international research journal, Medical Science Monitor, shows for the first time that playing a musical instrument can reverse the DNA switches that turn on the human stress response and trigger biological processes that lead to many diseases. We now have the first scientific evidence demonstrating that active engagement in Recreational Music Making (RMM) can reduce the impact of stress on the DNA level.” Karl T. Bruhn, world-renowned Father of the Music-Making and Wellness Movement.